Crazy Week

Hello my favorite people!

Sorry it has taken me so long to get my weekly email out today…the computers at the library weren’t working, so I had to wait. Let me tell you about my week.

This week I got a cold. Boo! It made things really crappy. I tried to be a good missionary and stay positive and just go out and work, but by the end of the week, I wasn’t focused and all I wanted to do was stay inside and rest.

We didn’t have very many lessons this week unfortunately. We didn’t reach our goals nearly as good as we usually do. Here are some positives that happened this week though…

Okay to start off, the weather this week was fantastic! The sun was shining almost every day and the snow is starting to melt. Hallelujah! There was actually a day this week where we could have taken off our coats because it felt so good (even though it really was only like 30 degrees) but I kept my coat on because I was sick.


There was one day where we had a tornado watch, which just means that there is a possibility of having a tornado. We didn’t end up having one thank heavens!

We did get two new investigators this week! One of them we met while we were outside personal contacting down some streets. This lady, Carolyn was outside walking her golden retriever McGregor. (This dog was so hilarious by the way). Anyway, we had a really good conversation with her. Turns out she knew who the Mormons were. Her best friend growing up was a Mormon, so she had been in contact with the church before. We weren’t able to set up a return appointment with her, but we went to her house the other day and we ended up teaching her the restoration and answering some of her questions. It was really fun!

Our other investigator is Cheryl. We met her at church yesterday. She just walked in, so we went up to her and talked to her after sacrament meeting was over. She said that she has driven by the church before but she had just decided to drop in. What?? Who does that these days? Not very many people. It was a miracle for sure! She said that she is “church shopping” right now, so we are going to start teaching her and she said that she was going to be at church next week to hear the testimonies of people in the ward. Wahoo!!

We didn’t have a lesson with Melissa this week unfortunately, but we did have a lesson with Taylor. We re-committed her to her March 22nd baptism date. She said that she is still planning on getting baptized, which is good. Hopefully her parents hearts will soften a little more and actually let her be baptized. Im pretty hopeful though. Heavenly Father has his ways of making things work out.

Well, that’s about it for my week. It really wasn’t as exciting this week. I want to leave you with a quote though that our district leader shared with us this week as we were struggling.

“Always remember that if this were not the Lord’s work, the adversary would not pay any attention to us. If this church were merely a church of men and women, teaching only the doctrine of men, we would encounter little or no criticism or resistance- but because this is the church of Him whose name it bears, we must not be surprised when criticism or difficulties arise. With faith and good works, the truth will prevail.” -Spencer W. Kimball

I know this to be true. This is the Church of Jesus Christ. The adversary is going to try as hard as he can to stop the work from progressing and try to discourage us. We must continue with faith in everything we do.
I love you all! Thank you for all you are doing for me. I am so grateful for all the support I have at home. 🙂 Have a great week!


Sister Palmer