Merry Christmas from the MTC

Surprise! Merry Christmas to my friends and family!
You probably didn’t think you would hear from me at all today didn’t you? Well we didn’t know you would be hearing from us today either, so it is a surprise for everyone. 🙂 I am seriously so giddy right now that I get to be emailing you! All of the Elders and Sisters are. We woke up this morning and got ready as fast as we could so that we could hurry and get to our emails as fast as we could!
I hope you all are having a great day so far (even though it is still so early. bleh…) I know that I am having a wonderful time here at the MTC! The Christmas spirit is so much stronger here I feel like. Even though we have all received letters and packages to open up today, we don’t get to be at our houses to see the Christmas tree overloaded with presents. The spirit of Christ is so strong here. It is such an awesome feeling to feel the Christmas spirit in a different way than I ever would have been able to feel it at home. I am so grateful for our savior Jesus Christ! Let us not forget him today, as he is the reason we are even celebrating.
In Relief Society on Sunday, our speaker talked about coming to Christ. “Stand at the manger” is what she told us to do. Stand at the manger and study the scriptures. Study the Bible and Book of Mormon stories of Christ, and of his birth. Stand at the manger and give gifts of love and service; words and letters. Stand at the manger and sing! Sing lots of Christmas songs today! I miss being able to put on a CD of Christmas music and listen to it while I am sitting around or studying. Listen to lots of Christmas music for me today okay?! Stand at the manger and work together to make miracles happen!
That was just a little bit of what I wanted to share with you today. Remember Christ as you are opening your presents. He is the reason that we even celebrate Christmas! I am so thankful for my Redeemer! As I have been here at the MTC, his spirit has been felt very strong. I have gained a greater understanding of the Atonement, and all that he did for us.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! I miss you all so much! I know though that what I am doing right now is what I am supposed to be doing, and I am loving every minute of it!
Tomorrow is my P-day, so I will get to email you again tomorrow, and I will have a lot more time to do it, so I will update you more on the MTC and the experiences that I have had here! I hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
-Sister Kayla Palmer
P.S. Last night we had a devotional, and we got to hear from Elder Evans of the seventy. Today we are supposedly having an apostle. None of us know which one and the suspense is killing me! I will let you know tomorrow who it was that came and spoke to us today. 🙂

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